Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Draft Board IS UP!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A First of Firsts


Everyone best bring their cash, or else they're going to get mauled by my kangaroo...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, August 21, 2009

Draft Order & Divisions

If you haven't watched TP's video yet, here's what you missed:

The order for bidding on players will go as follows:

1) Fryx
2) Big B
3) TP
4) Saber
5) Willey
6) Kav
7) Swanny
8) B Jones
9) Boogie
10) CCD

Teams 1 - 5 will be in the Alba Divsion. Teams 6 - 10 will be in the Biel Division.

Draft order and Division Video

Chad Ochokicko?

Quick question: since Chad Ochocinco is officially listed on the Bengals roster as their backup K -- and since he kicked the game-winning extra point and a kickoff in last night's game -- should his owner be able to start him as a kicker this year?

These are the types of things we need to decide before the auction.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A New Rule? - Proposed by the Macon Love

We here at the Commissioner's Office are always open to suggestions to improve the League. This morning we received the following proposal from Big B, the owner of the Macon Love. At first read, this proposed rule seems to make a lot of sense. We will be voting on this rule on Auction Night, but please feel free to post your initial thoughts in the "Comments" section below.

* * * * *

Commish Boogie and So-Called Commish Pawlicki (The season has not even started and the "video" that was supposed to be out two days ago is no where to be seen):

The Macon Love would like to propose the following rule to be voted on at the auction on Sunday August 23rd, 2009.

- 13 weeks of the season.
- Each week, each team will have a total of two outcomes.
- It could be 2-0, it could be 1-1, it could be 0-2.
- The first outcome will result in head-to-head play, as we have done since the start of the FFFL. - The second outcome will result in "upper half or lower half weekly finish". If you have one of top 5 weekly scores for the entire league, you get a win. If you have a bottom 5 point total for the entire league, you get a loss.
- I propose this for the following reasons: (1) It eliminates the scenario where the top two weekly scorers happen to play each other and the 2nd highest point-getter for the week walks away with nothing to show for it. Team B scores 107 points but happens to play the Macon Love who put up the usual 119 so Team B gets a loss. Meanwhile Pawlicki puts up a 53 but walks away with a win because he played B Jones who was starting Steve Young and Roger Craig and racked up a whopping 49 points. (2) It takes away the stacked division wildcard and truly rewards the top five teams for the week. It balances the playing field.

So in the end, we would each have a total of 26 outcomes. Macon Love could end up 22-4, while J Boogie could be 18-8, and Saber 1-25.

We would need to do the following:
1) Find a website that allows you to customize your league. I believe espn does allow you to do this.
2) Be willing to change, it may be the hardest part for all of us, but how awesome has the auction been and that was a change for us.

In short we....
- Still have head-to-head play
- Still have two divisions
- Simply add a 2nd outcome/result for each team based on a top 5 or bottom 5 score for the week
- Would have 26 results for each team before playoffs. Playoffs would be old-school, strictly based on head-to-head.

These are the thoughts of the two-time defending champion Macon Love. Think like a champion does.


Big B
Macon Love
FFFL Champions 2007 & 2008

PS: I'm wearing the green jacket as I write this ... and nothing else.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Team Profile: Dewey Decimals

Team Name: Dewey Decimals
Team Owner: TP
Head Coach: Stuart Smalley
Team Motto: "Do the Dew."

Get to Know your Fellow Owners

I figured that since we have a new member to our league the least we could do was welcome him by letting him get to know us better! So Swanny...Preseason Week 1 you will be able to get to know one of your new competitors...I actually didn't have to do any research for this was already written out...It has great lines in in such as;

“It’s a big ceremony and they make a big deal of it,” Willey explained. “Earning tenure in Bloomington and having my mom there; that was really special.”

"If that means having lunch with them or playing kickball at recess, I’ll do it.” Read on and Get to know Willey!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Team Profile: Crotch Lake Crumbs

Team Name: Crotch Lake Crumbs
Team Owner: Fryx
Head Coach: Koko B. Ware
Team Motto: "If it smells, deal with it."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Team Profile: Savannah Whites

Team Name: Savannah Whites
Team Owner: Kav
Head Coach: Mike Ditka
Team Motto: "RSTLNE spells 'championship.'"

Team Profile: Cripple Creek Chili Covered Donuts

Team Name: Cripple Creek Chili Covered Donuts
Team Owner: CCD
Head Coach: Craig T. Nelson
Team Motto: "I'd rather be on a losing football team than a winning soccer team."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Team Profile: Macon Love

Team Name: Macon Love
Team Owner: Ellena
Head Coach: Big B
Team Motto: To be announced on Draft Night - with theme music

Team Profile: Moorhead Please

Team Name: Moorhead Please
Team Owner: Swanny
Head Coach: Swanny
Team Motto: "Yes we can!"

Team Profile: Pamplona Runners

Team Name: Pamplona Runners
Team Owner: B. Jones
Head Coach: Eduardo Carrohcheeo
Team Motto: "Come try runnin' with us!"

Team Profile: Needmore Action

Team Name: Needmore Action
Team Owner: Willey
Head Coach: Willey
Team Motto: "Let's Get It On!"

Team Profile: Brooklyn Bombers

Team Name: Brooklyn Bombers
Owner: Saber
Head Coach: Saber
Team Motto: "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch."

Team Profile: Earth Wind & Fire

Team Name: Earth Wind & Fire
Team Owner: J Boogie
Head Coach: Dennis Green
Team Motto: "The 'f' is for phenomenal."

Monday, August 10, 2009

Roster Rules

As you prepare for the auction, here are the rules to keep in mind:

- You have $200 to spend on the night of the auction
- You have to select 13 players - no more, no fewer
- The starting line-ups will be the same as last year:
1 QB
2 RB
3 WR
1 TE
1 K
- Each team will have 5 back-ups

- Pick-ups require a minimum bid of $2, and will go to the highest bidder. (The window to place pick-up bids will be open each week from Sunday @ noon to Wednesday @ 10:00 pm, unless otherwise noted.)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Show Me the Money!

Here's what you have to look forward to:

1st Place (Regular Season): $345
2nd Place (Regualr Season): $200
3rd Place (Regular Season): $100

Super Bowl Winner: $175 (+ all pick-up money)

Weekly High Score: $10

Top Player @ Each Position: $10

To give you something to look forward to, here's what Big B got paid last year:

$345 (1st place) + $175 (Super Bowl) + $190 (pick-up money) + $10 (top kicker) + $40 (4 weekly high scores) - $31 (pick-ups) = $729

Hanzie's Replacement: "Swanny" Swanson

It's official.

The newest owner to join the historic FFFL is none other than "Swanny" Swanson.

Swanny was nominated to join the FFFL by Saber, so we can probably surmise the following:

- He has a weird obsession with the University of Michigan and will probably become physically aroused when he hears the name, "Tom Brady"
- He'll spend whatever it takes to acquire Tony Gonzalez
- He'll have bad gas

That should be enough info for now.

Please join me in welcoming Mr. Swanson to our league.

Two Weeks from Tomorrow - D DAY!

The 2009 FFFL Auction / Draft will be held two weeks from tomorrow, on August 23rd.

Here are the details:

When: 6:00 pm
Where: 15th Floor Party Room @ Centre Village (Boogie's condo)
Address: 433 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone number: 651.503.9120

Please note:

- Bring $10 for pizza, soda, and draft board.
- Bring your own booze

If you don't bring your entry fee on the night of the draft, you can expect to be mauled by J Boogie's new pet kangaroo.