Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Time to Pay Up

Wow. This season we all spent a whopping $392 on pick-ups. This means that whoever wins the Super Bowl this weekend will get an extra $542 to go along with their regular season winnings.

Unless your team is still alive, please send me checks for the following amounts:

Big B - $50 pickups + $345 1st place finish + $20 weekly high + $10 C. Johnson = Won $325 (will be $867 if he wins this week!!!)

CCD - $29 pickups + $200 2nd place finish + $10 weekly high = Won $181 (will be $723 if he wins this week!!!)

Boogie - $65 pickups + $100 3rd place finish + $10 weekly high = Won $45

B Jones - $10 pickups + $25 weekly high + $10 A. Rodgers = Won $25

Swanny - $14 pickups + $15 weekly high + $10 N. Kaeding = Won $11

TP - $41 pickups + $20 weekly high + $10 V. Davis = Owes $11

Kav - $41 pickups + $10 weekly high + $10 R. Wayne = Owes $21

Fryxell - $45 pickups + $20 weekly high = Owes $25

Saber - $34 pickups = Owes $34

Willey - $63 pickups = Owes $63

My address is:

433 S. 7th St. - Unit #2128
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Send your checks in ASAP!

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