Today I'm feeling like one of those chumps in White Men Can't Jump that gets hustled by Woody Harleson and Wesley Snipes. Because lets face it boys: we've all been hustled. Instead of being hustled by the W&W Boys (Woody and Wesley), though, we've been hustled by the S&S Boys (Saber and Swanny). I MEAN...what in the devil is going on right now? Should we officialy change the name of our league to the Dassel Cokato Fantasy Football League?

Didn't Saber tell us that Swanny was a fantasy rookie? I'm starting to think that he's a hustler and we're all his chumps. After trying to lull us all to sleep in Week 1, Swanny's team has exploded. Moorehead has won three games in a row while averaging roughly 100 points per week. And sitting atop the other division is Saber's squad, as the Bombers of Brooklyn had yet another impressive performance in Week 4.
While Saber and Swanny are alone in first place of their respective divisions, second place is as competitive as it can get. Six other teams are 2 - 2, including all of the other four teams in the Biel division! Remember how Kav's team looked unbeatable after two weeks? Well now his squad is in last place in his division! Remember how Brennan's team seemed hopeless after two weeks? His squad is now currently leading the entire league in terms of total points scored!
Without further ado, here's what happened in Week 4:
Moorehead 98, Savannah 56
Swanny's team beat Kav's squad by 42 points. (No, that's not a misprint.) Swanny had maybe the pick-up of the year when he added Mendenhall right before kickoff and got 30 points out of him. When Kav's 2nd RB and 2nd WR put up 0 points each, playing Savannah is a lot like having a bye week.
Pampalo 98, Cripple Creek 88
B Jones's squad apparently doesn't need Frank Gore afterall. Ronnie Brown and Joseph Addai combined for 38 points. Neither of CCD's running backs broke double digits. On the positive side, neither of CCD's vehicles were stolen this weekend.
Brooklyn 94, Crotch Lake 72
Saber's team continues to surprise, thanks in large part to the surprising seasons of Joe Flacco and the other Steve Smith. Crotch Lake's Week 4 line-up may have been one of the least recognizable I've ever seen: Orton, P. Thomas, Moreno, Burleson, Walter, Garcon, Keller, and Longwell. When Kyle Orton is the biggest name in your line-up, you've got problems. If I would have slipped in a "Warder" or a "Punto" into that line-up, no one would have noticed.
Earth 91, Dewey 70
The Philip Rivers - Antonio Gates combo accounted for more than half of my squad's points. (48 to be exact.) The #2 combo at Wendy's was apparently the only thing on TP's squad's collective mind.
Needmore 89, Macon 67
If Favre keeps this up, Willey's squad may go on a serious winning streak. If Big B keeps starting Shaun Hill, the Love may go on a serious losing streak. Kav and Big B are apparently in a competition to see who's team can free-fall faster?
Good luck in Week 5, gentlemen!
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