Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week 11 Recap

Just as one fantasy week is ending another one begins! As a commish a short week is tough in the office. I know the league is buzzing about the Bombers breaking their losing streak and Swanny the Rookie Coach almost falling out of contention for this years "Coach of the Year" Award...What seems to go unnoticed is the win streak that Macon Love has put together. 7 games in a row! That is pretty impressive. Before this win streak his team was a mediocore 2-2...And then they go and win 7 in row. I know we all want to ignore this cause of the often braggy owner Big B, but this is something that can't be overlooked. As for things I am thankful for this holiday season...One of them is not the Macon Love or matter of fact Dewey Decimals...But I am thankful that every team is still in the playoff hunt. This may be a first this late in the year (usually cause B. Jones has been mathematically eliminated by week 6). So the hunt continues for another champion.

Game of the Week this week is CCD vs Macon Love. This will pretty much seal the deal for the Macon if they can win it, but I am saying that CCD is going to put up some monster numbers. So my vote is for CCD...GO Donuts!

I also want to imply a new rule for next year referring to name changing. The only way you can have your team name changed in the middle of the season is if your team gets doubled up in points like lets say week 4 Savannah Whites 120 pts beat Macon Love who only score 54 pts...Then the Whites get to rename the Love with any team name they want and the only way the Macon Love can get their team name back is if they double up another team! What do you think?

I was going to break down last weeks games, but I can already smell the Turkey and will just make a few statements about last week

Kav lost by 6 while TO goes off for 25 pts..on his bench

Moorehead lost by 2 pts...while if you look at this guys bench...There has been speculation that hanging out with Saber has caused this massive collaspe.

I am pulling for the Runners to make the playoffs for the first time in league history! I think Moorhead will fall and a strong Runners team will be in the Fantasy Bowl...Don't say you didn't hear it here first!

Ok enough is enough...Good Luck, God Speed and Big I love of all people you are concerned that I am not returning your phone calls...God Bless America and God Bless FFFL!

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